A Point on Mindfullness

The word mindfulness has been a topic of discussion as we move forward from the challenges experienced due to the pandemic. However, if you ask ten people to define mindfulness you will get ten different definitions for this word.

My mindfulness journey started during the pandemic lockdown when I began to explore mindfulness practices to cope with the emotional challenges of COVID. I stumbled upon a book that opened my eyes to the practice of mindfullness.  As I read the book I began to craft my own meaning of mindfulness.  I will give you my take on the word from my reading of this book. 

I believe mindfulness is about being able to be aware of our emotions. When we become aware of our emotions we begin to reflect on how our emotions are positively or negatively affecting not just our lives, but the individuals that we interact with on a daily basis. This self awareness allows us to reflect on how we can take control of our emotions. We might begin to realize if compassion, kindness, empathy, or care are lacking in our interactions with the people that need our support. Further, we might begin to become aware of our fears and how they are causing us to lose focus on other important matters in life.

I believe as we become more aware of our own emotions we can better support the emotional needs of our students. For example, if we are trying to become self aware of an emotion, like kindness, we can help our students explore ways they can also be kind in their interactions with members of the community. Ultimately, we will become aware where they are struggling by practicing mindfulness. 

My mindfulness journey is always evolving and I implore you to make this practice part of your daily lives. Mindfulness practice has helped me realize that I need to be supportive, kind, and compassionate, despite any challenges I encounter in life. Please go explore mindfulness practices to become more aware of your emotions. 

This book is a great starting point for you to begin your own mindfulness journey: 

Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life, by Jon Kabat-Zinn.


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